Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Reaction Paper The End Of Poverty - 3923 Words
Escobar, Guillermo Professor Stuart Williams Social Problems 31 October 2014 Reaction Paper: The End of Poverty The most pressing problem in today’s world that bleeds into other social problems and helps perpetuate them is poverty. When Americans and other Westerners think of poverty it is easy for many to send money to a charity of their choice with knowledge and comfort that they contributed to help better the lives of the poor. Then again it is not difficult either to dismiss the plight of the poor while people lead individualistic lives and adapt an out-of-mind-out-of-sight perspective to the issue of the destitute. The bottom line is that poverty is a very tangible reality and it affects a billion people around the globe who live a life full of hardships and in the most truthful sense their life is a constant struggle of survival with all odds stacked against them. An analysis of the poor will reveal the identity and characteristics of a billion nameless people living under the weight of poverty, highlight the effects of penury on a person’s life chances and capability aroun d the globe, examine the historical forces that concocted inequality into the menacing form it is today, and how people can tackle the problem of poverty that affects us all in one way or another. The impoverished bottom billion may be nameless to many Americans but when we envision an indigent individual there is a common face we see. The face in our thoughts and in images is weary, worried, andShow MoreRelatedThe Social Problem That I Chose For My Final Paper Is Poverty1592 Words  | 7 PagesDaniel DeGroat Social Issue Paper Intro to Sociology 9 December 2015 Poverty in America The social problem that I chose for my final paper is Poverty in America. Poverty is the general scarcity, dearth, or the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money. 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