Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Reaction Paper The End Of Poverty - 3923 Words
Escobar, Guillermo Professor Stuart Williams Social Problems 31 October 2014 Reaction Paper: The End of Poverty The most pressing problem in today’s world that bleeds into other social problems and helps perpetuate them is poverty. When Americans and other Westerners think of poverty it is easy for many to send money to a charity of their choice with knowledge and comfort that they contributed to help better the lives of the poor. Then again it is not difficult either to dismiss the plight of the poor while people lead individualistic lives and adapt an out-of-mind-out-of-sight perspective to the issue of the destitute. The bottom line is that poverty is a very tangible reality and it affects a billion people around the globe who live a life full of hardships and in the most truthful sense their life is a constant struggle of survival with all odds stacked against them. An analysis of the poor will reveal the identity and characteristics of a billion nameless people living under the weight of poverty, highlight the effects of penury on a person’s life chances and capability aroun d the globe, examine the historical forces that concocted inequality into the menacing form it is today, and how people can tackle the problem of poverty that affects us all in one way or another. The impoverished bottom billion may be nameless to many Americans but when we envision an indigent individual there is a common face we see. The face in our thoughts and in images is weary, worried, andShow MoreRelatedThe Social Problem That I Chose For My Final Paper Is Poverty1592 Words  | 7 PagesDaniel DeGroat Social Issue Paper Intro to Sociology 9 December 2015 Poverty in America The social problem that I chose for my final paper is Poverty in America. Poverty is the general scarcity, dearth, or the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Parallels Between Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now
Various parallels can be drawn when comparing and contrasting Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness and Frank Coppolas Apocalypse Now, while taking into consideration Heart of Darkness is a novella and Apocalypse Now is a film. These differences and similarities can be seen in themes, characters, events and other small snippets of information including anything from quoted lines to strange actions of the main characters. Both pieces follow the same story line but they are presented in different contexts, allowing for many differences as well as the ability to see how Conrad is able to write a piece of literature that can be transposed to many different settings regardless the time period and still convey the same message of colonialism.†¦show more content†¦It is similar, for the exception that in one they are on the ship in which the shelling occurs, versus simply being a bystander. It shows how `fire happy these men were ready to fight and kill without a motive. Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now both embody the theme of madness and insanity. In Heart of Darkness madness and insanity come as a result of imperialism, Africa is responsible for mental disintegration as well as for physical illness. Madness, in Heart of Darkness, is the result of being removed from ones normal environment and how each person adapts and then re-adapts to society. The same theme of madness and insanity can be seen in Coppolas Apocalypse Now. Many of the soldiers are just kids, barely 18 or 19, and have little mental stability, since being thrown into a context that is so foreign to them, where their life is on the line every minute. Men like Chef and Lance are ready to snap at any moment because of the shock and realization of where they are, what they are doing, and the fear of not knowing where they are headed. Coppola confronts the insanity of war through Kurtz and the other young men, he is able to depict what it was like for these men, and why so many men a fter serving in Vietnam suffered Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. One interesting event that is different is the endings of Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now. In Heart of Darkness, Kurtz is dying of a slow death and indeedShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Heart Of Darkness And Apocalypse Now922 Words  | 4 Pages The Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad, illustrates one’s voyage on the Congo River, into the heart of darkness of Africa, told by the narrator Charles Marlow. Similar to the novel, Apocalypse Now focuses on a captain in the Vietnam War ordered to assassinate a colonel, named Kurtz. Each of these works convey an important time in American history, highlighting the era of imperialism and that of the Vietnam War. Overall, Apocalypse Now can be seen as a direct parallel to Heart of Darkness, shownRead MoreComparative Essay1096 Words  | 5 Pagesanalysis: â€Å"Heart of Darkness†â€Å"Apocalypse Now†Student: Mora Vandenbroele Teacher: Azucena Estigarribia Year: 11th â€Å"A†â€Å"Heart of Darkness†vs. â€Å"Apocalypse Now†It is very interesting how humans are so intrigued about the evilness in the world, and the dedication of some men to compare Hell with the Earthly horror. Joseph Conrad, a genius writer, took his time to show this with his masterpiece â€Å"Heart of Darkness†that wasRead MoreSignificant Elements Of Joseph Conrad s Heart Of Darkness1326 Words  | 6 PagesConrad’s novella ‘Heart of Darkness’ are appropriated into Francis Ford Coppola’s film ‘Apocalypse Now’ in the setting of the jungles of Vietnam during the Vietnam War. As the title suggests, Conrad’s novel deeply explores the ‘darkness’ potentially inherent in people’s hearts. Heart of Darkness is set on the Congo River during the European occupation of Africa. Conrad explores the effect of exploitation on humanity. Similarly, Coppola’s film explores the metaphorical ‘darkness’ in Vietnam that causesRead MoreEssay on heart of darknes s1844 Words  | 8 Pages Various parallels can be drawn when comparing and contrasting Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness and Frank Coppolas quot;Apocalypse Nowquot;, while taking into consideration Heart of Darkness is a novella and quot;Apocalypse Nowquot; is a film. These differences and similarities can be seen in themes, characters, events and other small snippets of information including anything from quoted lines to strange actions of the main characters. Both pieces follow the same story line but they are presentedRead MoreHeart of Darkness vs. Apocalypse Now1031 Words  | 5 Pagesoutstanding feat. Francis Ford Coppola s Apocalypse Now did not only that, but won Academy Awards for Best Cinematography and Best Sound. Coppola can not take all the credit for this enlightening movie. The film was loosely based off of Joseph Conrad s Heart of Darkness. Though Conrad was not credited in Apocalypse Now, his novella has a great impact on Coppola s cinematic masterpiece. Captain Benjamin Willard of Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness s Marlow are very much alike. Both are sentRead More Transformation in Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now Essay1685 Words  | 7 PagesTransformation in Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now      Since Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now was based on Joseph Conrads novel, Heart of Darkness, it is possible to draw many parallels between the two works. Both can be interpreted as metaphors for a journey through the inner self, and each has its own particular message to convey. In many ways they also appear to have similarities to Arthurian Legend, in particular the quest for the holy grail, and other allegorical journeyRead MoreHeart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now808 Words  | 4 PagesHeart of Darkness, written by Joseph Conrad and â€Å"Apocalypse Now†, a movie directed by Francis Coppola represent two outstanding examples that compare relevant ideas regarding racism, colonialism, and prejudices. The two combine film along with descriptive language to portray their mastery during different eras. For Heart of Darkness, Conrad uses his writing techniques to illustrate Marlow in the Congo, while in â€Å"Apocalypse Now†, Coppola uses fil m editing and close ups on important scenes with uniqueRead MoreEssay on Compare and Contrast Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now1353 Words  | 6 PagesApocalypse Now, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, is the story of Captain Willards journey up the Nung River in Cambodia to kill a general, Kurtz, who has lost control of himself. It is set in the Vietnam War and is a very gritty and affecting film. Imagine my surprise when I learned that it was sort of based on Joseph Conrads famous novella, Heart of Darkness. Conrads book, the tale of the sailor Marlowes African adventure, is a study on the evils of colonialism. The two stories at first glanceRead More Varying Interpretations of Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now2628 Words  | 11 PagesInterpretations of Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now    The true meaning of varying interpretations comes alive when one compares the two film versions of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now have the same basic outline and underlying themes, however the plots, characters, settings, time, purposes, and points of view differ enough to create two extremely different effects and two entirely opposite movies. Both movies depict an insanity: of man in Heart of DarknessRead More Revealing the Heart of Darkness in Apocalypse Now Essay2178 Words  | 9 PagesRevealing the Heart of Darkness in Apocalypse Now Often a novel filmed as a movie departs from the original story, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. However, many great works of literature have inspired movies, and served as the basis for a great film, even though the film may approach the literature in a different way. Such is the case with Francis Ford Coppolas Apocalypse Now, which was inspired by Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness. Coppola and the screenwriter, John Mileus
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Entry Barriers in Liquor Industry Free Essays
ENTRY BARRIERS IN LIQUOR INDUSTRY When a new firm enters into an industry it can affect all of the firms that are currently in that industry. â€Å"new entrants to an industry bring new capacity, the desire to gain market share, and often substantial resources. Prices can be bid down or incumbents cost inflated as a result, reducing profitability. We will write a custom essay sample on Entry Barriers in Liquor Industry or any similar topic only for you Order Now †24Therefore as new firms enter into an industry the entire industry’s potential for sustained profits is reduced due to the increased amount of competition in that industry. Some factors help reduce the threat of entry as they act as barriers that prevent new firms from entering into an industry. These factors include economies of scale, product differentiation, capital requirements, access to distribution channels, and government regulations. When these factors reduce the threat of entry, the profit potential for the industry increases. Economies of Scale. Economies of scale is defined as the â€Å"declines in unit costs of a product as the absolute volume per period increase†Therefore the greater quantity of a product that is produced the lower the cost of each will be to the producer. This creates an advantage for a high volume producer like those seen in the brewing industry. Economies of scale in the brewing industry also exist in areas other than in production and these include purchasing, distribution, and advertising. For example, national brewers achieve economies of scale in advertising through bulk media purchases and umbrella brand marketing. Local-craft brewers spend more than twice that spent by large brewers on marketing and advertising per barrel. 25 One company in particular, which is Anheuser-Busch, has done an extremely good job in exploiting the economies of scale that are present in the brewing industry. Anheuser-Busch has been able to leverage its 45 percent U. S. market share into 75 percent of the industry’s operating profits through significant economies of scale in the areas of raw material procurement, manufacturing efficiency and marketing. †26 As shown here there are substantial economies of scale available in the national beer brewing industry. This is a good factor for firms that are currently in the industry as the y can take advantage of these unit cost breaks and while doing so also discourage the entry of new firms into the industry. Product Differentiation. in general, people cannot tell the difference between brands of beer. Second, more expensive brands do not cost proportionately more to make than â€Å"economy†beer. Capital Requirements. The capital requirements necessary to compete on the national level against the established firms are extremely high. These high costs of operation and construction expenses act as a barrier to entry for firms that are considering trying to compete in this industry on the highest level. Access to Distribution Channels. When a new firm is trying to enter into an industry it can find that existing competitors may have ties with [distribution] channels based on long relationships. Government Regulation. The government’s excise policy is subject to a lot of sudden changes. The manufacturers sometimes just need to get their L-1 licenses renewed and at times they need to apply afresh, like in the year 2001. In 1993, the L-1 license holders were allowed to set up 5 ‘dedicated’ shops in Delhi in which they could sell their approved brands in addition to having them sold in the government retail shops. The policy was withdrawn in an ad-hoc manner in 1994. On being questioned about the effects of this policy, an official in one of the country’s leading breweries said that the introduction of this policy had led to an increase in their revenue by almost 30% which they have lost out on since the policy got crushed. Recently, the government’s policy to open up 45 private liquor shops was quashed by the cabinet, because it meant that the MLA’s power in the issue of a no-objection certificate for the setting up of a retail outlet would be questioned. Had this policy been implemented, the government would have earned Rs. 7. 5 lakhs on each vend as license fees annually. How to cite Entry Barriers in Liquor Industry, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Grapes of Wrath Rose of Shar Essay Example For Students
Grapes of Wrath Rose of Shar Essay Misfit to Madonna: Rose of Sharons TransformationWhen Rose of Sharon is first introduced in The Grapes of Wrath, we learn that she is expecting a child from her new husband, Connie Rivers. She is described as a mystical being whose primary concern is the well-being of her child, even at the almost ridiculously early stage of her pregnancy at the start of the novel. It is this concern that illustrates Rose of Sharons transformation from misfit to Madonna through the Joads journey. Rose of Sharon incessantly asks Ma Joad if itll hurt the baby throughout a majority of the novel, and adopts an attitude of superiority over others with her precious possession. She all but refuses to help the family pack the truck for California for fear of disturbing her fetus, even though she knows her help is needed. Her selfish antics and complaints are patiently absorbed by Ma, who tolerates her primarily because of her condition. Rose of Sharon knows that she is now an exception to the normal rules an d exploits her position to its fullest potential. During the journey Rose of Sharon and Connie pass the time by dreaming of the idyllic life they will lead when they reach California. Connie says he will open a repair shop and buy a white house with a fence and an icebox and a car and a crib, all before the baby is born; all hopelessly idealistic and almost completely detached from reality. Every intention, though, is for the baby so that it may have a perfect life from the very moment it is born. In the face of hardships, Rose of Sharon comforts herself by remembering these dreamlike goals of her family and even reminds others of them, intending to lift the burden of reality. She does so when the sheriff threatens the roadside families to leave or be jailed. She tells Ma of Connies plans for California, which have nothing to do with the situation at that moment. This escape only proves to ultimately hurt Rose of Sharon and Connie; they learn that illusions dont support a life when survival is the priority. Rose of Sharons dreams of a perfect life start to fall apart when Connie deserts her suddenly. She can no longer find comfort in shared thoughts of a white-picket fence, and is forced to face reality. However, instead of concentrating on the Joad family crises, she diverts her worries fully to her baby once again. She reverts to childish antics such as refusing to dance at Weedpatch because she thinks it might be bad for the baby. Her life becomes superficial now, rather than illusory, in order to escape her harsh reality once again. When Rose of Sharons baby is finally born, she expects to be rewarded for every moment and thought devoted to the life of her child. Instead, the baby is dead; her energies have been wasted, overcome by the reality she tried so hard to avoid by plunging her actions into the care of her child. She finally, truly sees that she must accept and take on reality in order for life to go on. So, when the Joad family comes across the starving man and his son, Rose of Sharon sees it as an opportunity to redeem her misguided actions, and chooses to sustain life. The old man, to her, is a surrogate for her child, a chance to make up for her failure because she simply refused to accept reality. Her actions show this realization when she gives the dying man her milk, giving him a chance to live. She has finally matured and taken on responsibility, and realizes that life is the only important thing in their situation not personal happiness. .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d , .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d .postImageUrl , .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d , .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d:hover , .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d:visited , .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d:active { border:0!important; } .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d:active , .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucc3b3e7e9c27ea4cd22bb01e48abf12d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Progressivism: Opposing Viewpoints EssayRose of Sharons pregnancy and the consequences it effects are the catalysts for her change in attitude, from misfit to Madonna, throughout The Grapes of Wrath. She first sees it as an excuse for her actions, but transforms her still-born child to a reason for positive change and preservation of existing life at the end of the novel.
Friday, November 29, 2019
The Witch Essay Example
The Witch Essay Miss Goodson was a teacher at West End primary school. She was a very kind woman, who never shouted and never needed to. Everyone liked Miss Goodson; she always seemed fair about arguments, homework, and other aspects of school life. She was a very pretty woman in her twenties and lived alone, and she was fond of a very special kid, Simon Smith. Simon Smith was one of the kids of class 4 in Miss Goodsons class. She adored him. He was like a long lost son she never had. In fact, it wasnt long ago that Miss Goodson adopted Simon as her very own. Simon lived in a home for kids with no parents. He was a very nice boy who was matched with Miss Goodsons personality. The story starts in a small cottage in the suburban area of Little Kingside. The quiet area was not very far away from the school and it was easy for Miss Goodson to get to and from her work. The mornings during school were an everyday living timetable. Everyday Miss Goodson got up, had a shower and cooked breakfast before waking up Simon who needed waking two times. Simon would spend 15 minutes getting changed before coming downstairs to the table for breakfast, which was the daily bacon sandwich and orange juice to wash it down. Miss Goodson took good care of Simon and made sure he wasnt in need of anything. We will write a custom essay sample on The Witch specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Witch specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Witch specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They walked to school together everyday, which took a brisk 15-minute walk. Simon held his mums hand as they walked the quite countryside streets. Everyday Simon and his mum used to pass a businessman who walked in the opposite way to his work. He was a smart man about twenty-five years old and always used to say a good morning and what a lovely day it was. Simon noticed his mum always used to talk to this man. Simon liked this man a lot and had always wished for a dad as well as a mum. As they carried through the path to school, Simon always used to pass the Witchs house. All the kids at school talked at sleepovers and rainy days inside the classroom about this house. The story was about a boy who used to be in the class above Simons. He was a very nasty boy and used to scare girls and beat up anyone he liked when he got bored. No one liked him and everyone was scared of him. Then one day this mean boy didnt come to school. He was off for a week or so and no one knew what happed to him. Eventually a teacher announced that the boy was last seen at 13 Neverland Avenue and wont be coming back. His friend however said that a witch turned him into a frog. By the time Simon recapped the story of the Witch, he was at school and met with his friends. Hi, Simon said his best friend Andrew. Hi Andrew replied Simon who was still thinking about the house and was a bit dazed to Andrew. Whats the matter Simon, you look like youve seen a ghost? No, its just I went past the Simons voice turned to a whisper. Witchs house whispered Simon. Oh, what you mean the witchs house said Andrew in what seemed the loudest voice in the classroom. Shhhh Andrew do you want the whole class knowing? said Simon in a desperate whisper. Sorry apologized Andrew. Anyway, I was just thinking what happened to that boy. What you mean, David Gobbis? Is he the one who went missing? Simon questioned. Yeah, apparently he was turned into a cat and kept as a pet! No, thats not what happened, Cathy butted in. Cathy was Simons other best friend. He was shrunk and fed to the Cruncher downstairs, explained Cathy. Whats the Cruncher? asked Simon. Its the biggest, scariest, monster with the sharpest teeth youve ever seen. It eats little boys and girls, but they have to be shrunk otherwise the monster cant fit him or her into his mouth answered Cathy. Thats not true said Andrew he was turned into the witchs cat. No he wasnt Yes he was Andrew and Cathy argued until Simon stopped them. Listen, LISTEN! shouted Simon. The whole class fell silent and Simon was the centre of everyones view. Sorry Simon said quietly. At lunch the conversation continued. I want to find out what happened said Simon. You cant go in there, you wont come back! pleaded Cathy. Ill come with you, Simon said Andrew. Well if you two are going then I am said Cathy. No you cant youre a girl said Simon and Andrew together. Cathy ran off in a humph. We better say sorry said Simon No, just leave it replied Andrew. Shell get over it. The next day Simon got up as usual and asked his mum if he could go to Andrews house after school. Sure, but make sure you are with Andrew all the time and dont go anywhere said Miss Goodson. The school day was over before Simon and Andrew knew it. They both ran to Andrews house as fast as they could. Andrews house was just behind the school. They both got changed and made their way to the Witchs house. Mum Im just going to the corner shop, ok said Andrew to his mum. Sure honey, but come back before its dark replied Andrews mum. Andrew and Simon took a short cut to the witchs house. They waded through the long grass of the short cut and came to the house. The house was a Victorian style house with an upstairs and was shaded by the long branches of the elm trees that leaned over the house. It always appears in the shade, which made the house look even more peculiar. The front lawn was covered in uncut grass and was about two and a half feet long. It looked like it hadnt been cut for years and covered the path to the house. There seemed no entry route for this reason so our adventurers waded through the grass. Arent there grass snakes in this grass? asked Andrew. Dont be such a wimp Andrew. Just follow me. Said Simon. As they approached the door, Simon stood still and listened. There was no noise at all apart from the distance dog barking from a couple of houses down the road. Simon reached for the door handle that was covered in spider webs. As he gripped the door handle, his had started to sweat a very cold sweat. He eventually opened the door and inside he could see that this house was empty. As he wondered in a bit more inside, he saw many brown boxes full of books and clothes. They were scattered all over the rooms. He came to a room with no light switch. It was completely dark. He went to light the candle with a match he found. He had done it lots of times before and he knew how to light a match from his mum. As he lit the candle, he carried it across the room to a box full of stuff. He wanted to find answers to the questions that came up in his mind. He knew it was stupid coming here, but he needed to know what happened. As he searched through the belongings, he came across a photo. The photo had dust covered over it and as he blew the dust, Andrew sneezed. aa,aa, aachooooooo! Can we go now Simon, I dont like this place? Im scared. Pleaded Andrew. Just a bit longer Andrew, I want to know what happened. In this photo frame, he saw two boys, a little boy and a big meaty boy. The little boy resembled someone he knew. It was as if he knew him. He wondered for a while then realised it was getting dark so he turned to leave. As he turned to leave he dropped the candle. Suddenly the whole room burst into flames. There was no option, but to back up into the room. Simon grabbed Andrew and pulled him back. Help, help, help were trapped! Somebody save us. Simon, Andrew is that you said Cathy as she answered Simons prayer. Cathy quick get some help. Theres a fire. Ok Ill be as quick as I can with that, Cathy disappeared and left Simon and Andrew. Simon I cant breathe Andrew remember our fire practice. Stop, drop and roll and always stay down when there is smoke. They both lowered their heads and stayed as low as possible. It took another five minutes until Cathy came back to the house. With a nudge, the door burst open and there stood Simons hero, the man that he met on the way to school. The man came through the flames, using the door as a shield. He quickly grabbed Simon and Andrew and opened the window and helped Simon and Andrew through. They were rescued and a fire brigade soon came to the rescue of the house. Simon said thank you to the man and his mum came up behind him. Oh Simon Im so glad your safe, dont ever do some stunt like that again, Simons mum gave Simon a great big hug. Simon was still wondering about the boy in the photo. Then all of a sudden, it came to him. That photo was of him. He soon realised that it was a picture of his family and the meatish boy was his brother. So, theres the end of the story. Simon found out he had a brother and soon was reunited with him. His brother David was adopted into Miss Goodsons family and everything was sorted and everyone was, but one thing was left out. Thank you for saving my son, youre too kind. If theres anything I can do for you just ask, said Miss Goodson to Simons hero. Well there is one thing you could do for me. You can come to dinner with me tomorrow night, and with that there was a kiss and Simon found a new dad.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Content Marketing Tips Should Never Be Trusted
Content Marketing Tips Should Never Be Trusted You shouldnt trust everything that you read on this blog. In fact, you probably shouldnt trust anything you read on any blog. Doing so may actually be bad for your marketing. Why? Most Content Marketing Tips Are 100% Totally Made Up Content marketing tips are usually made up, and why wouldnt they be? Everything is made up these days – even scientific research. In a recent study, economists found that nearly all studies published in economics journals are likely to be wrong. After studying 49 papers in leading journals that had been cited by more than 1,000 other scientists, researcher John Ioannidis found that within only a few years, almost a third of the papers had been refuted by other studies. Yikes! Things arent much better in the medical field. Author David Freedman published in his book Wrong that about two-thirds of the findings published in the top medical journals are refuted within a few years. Even worse, as much as 90% of physicians medical knowledge has been found to be substantially or completely wrong according to Time Magazines article on the books findings. As much as 90% of physicians medical knowledge has been found to be substantially or completelyAre you finding this a bit creepy? You should be, and it should give you all the less reason to trust your friendly neighborhood content marketing professional carte blanche. Most of what they say is full of crap someone has to say it. All Content Marketers Are Liars Heres the thing – too much marketing these days is based on what some other guy told me to do, and not enough on what our data told us to do, and thats a real problem. This post is about putting the other guys ideas on trial, and making sure that their tips actually work – for you. It may sound obvious, but it begs a reminder – never trust marketing advice that you havent tested.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business Alliances Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Business Alliances - Essay Example This might result from factors including equity; nationality; relational capabilities; and knowledge and experiences. Alliances usually bring the merging of different firms which have diverse national, cultural backgrounds. Besides, they have different interests and market share. This might result into unequal market share in which some firms enjoy a dominance over others. Therefore, it reaches a point when they need to be dissolved so as to enable each of the partners to part ways (DePamphilis, D., 2008). However, in my opinion, I believe that learning and experience is the most important factor in an alliance. It can have a greater influence in the termination of alliance because it can enable the partnering firms to gain knowledge on modern technology, innovations and current industry trends. However, without knowledge, it might not be easier for any alliance to work. With no knowledge and experience about the market trends, it will not be an easy task to produce goods and services which will satisfy the clients. Therefore, deliberate steps should be taken to ensure that information is sought. Knowledge is a very powerful tool in the success of any business
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Multimedia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Multimedia - Essay Example Digital information refers to the system of information based on discontinuous data or events. In addition, digital literacy defines the overall ability of identifying, utilizing, evaluating, creating, and manipulating information using digital technology, which incorporates the use of discrete and discontinuous values. Such data is expressed in terms of strings of zeroes and ones i.e. 0’s and 1’s, where each of these state digits being referred as a binary digit (Anon, 2009). The emergence of digital information has resulted in the introduction of and adoption of digital technology, which has provided innovations such as digital computers, laptops, digital cameras, iPads, and other digital electronics that have enhanced the digital information processing, and dissemination of digital information. The computing machines distinguish and use only the two binary values of 0’s and 1’s. Digital literacy has been adopted within the higher education because of th e technology change and the need for information access. Higher education includes tertiary institutions such as Colleges, Universities among others. Such institutions have vast number of individuals who need to access more information in terms of research, and within their studying environments to complete assignments and projects. Availability of the internet and networking technologies has efficiently enabled the access, distribution, and communication among individuals using digital literacy. Benefits of digital literacy Digital technology has led to the growth and constant adoption of digital literacy, which has promoted the following benefits. It has enabled majority of the individuals within the higher learning institutions to have constant access to information concerning their courses, performing online assessments and assignments for their academic progress. Learning course materials have been easily uploaded on the major academic sites including the various blackboard sit es for institutions for the students to easily access information, perform online assignments, and submit results for assessment. This has reduced the bulkiness of paperwork within the learning environment and reduced the time required for completion of assignments by both the students and their lecturers. Digital literacy has enabled individuals to make plans, chat with friends, get news concerning academics and the entire world, perform constant downloads for books, software, movies and music from online music stores, and access online shopping through e-commerce sites and companies (Anon, 2009). The technology has increased learner effectiveness, efficiency, engagement, and development of positive student attitudes towards learning. There has been a change in the student behavior in terms of readiness to learning, and integration of the students in the learning process of digital literacy (Underwood, 2009). Technology use Digital literacy technology can be adopted in classroom se ssions by using computing machines (personal computers and portable laptops, iPads among others) which are connected to output devices such as projectors, which output the information. The course materials including lecture notes, assignments, and student results are uploaded on the institution’s intranet, including the e-learning blackboard site and easily downloaded for use in the classrooms with students. In the workplace, such technology can be adopted through various forms such as uploading the information on the company’s site to be accessed only by authorized staff members. Also through conferencing, using digital cameras enables individuals far from their workplace to communicate and virtual conduct meetings with the present members at the offices within the company. Technology implications Digital technology
Monday, November 18, 2019
THE IMPACT OF THE HAJ EVENT ON VISITORS TOWARD THE HOSTING DESTINATION - Research Proposal Example The evaluation of the event will be an essential attribute that requires a proper analysis and elaboration of the issues that take place within the same platform. This report proposes that the events profits the hosting country a lot due to the influx of people while also creating an opportunity for small scale traders to expand their business so as to gain from these events. The proposal will examine the different issues that affect attitudes when dealing with mega events. The proposal will evaluate the events and the value dimensions that define attitudes when dealing with such events. It will also look at the impact of having such an event to the hosting country as the costs and benefits will be felt most by the host countries. Most of countries have begun to open up on hosting mega events. The Hajj has always been an awaited session amongst the Muslims due to their religious connotations. Others have been yearning to host events as big as the fifa world cup and the Olympics because of the tourism benefits they accrue as a country (Horne and Manzenreiter, 2006: 190). The goal is to understand whether the benefits will outweigh the costs and whether the host country will manage the people who come to the country (Jones, 2001: 242: Daniels, 2006: 335). These have also shaped the world tourism patterns because everyone knows that the Hajj period is directed to Mecca and any world cup will be directed to the hosting countries. With time, people already shape their tourism patterns. They have also highlighted the new tourism destinations and brought new demands to these countries (Gelan, 2003: 410). The main expectation, however, is that the host country will have heavily invested in infrastructure, sporting facilities and security to avoid any fatalities due to the huge crowd (Szymanski, 2002: 170). The improvement will benefit the country afterwards, but the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Laws Of Judaism And Christianity On Marriage Religion Essay
Laws Of Judaism And Christianity On Marriage Religion Essay It is well know that Christianity is originated from Judaism so Christianity and Judaism share a great portion of historical root. The sacred text of Judaism is also included in the sacred text of Christianity. It is therefore that a great similarity on religious teaching and rules exist between those two great religions. However, lots of teaching and religious rules from Judaism were denied or expended by Jesus and following Christian apostles later on, leading to a significant gap between those two religions. The teaching or rules on marriage is one of these issues. This essay takes insight into teaching and rules on marriage both from Christianity and Judaism. A comparison and contrast are carried out and any reason behind the difference and similarities would be pointed out in this essay as well. The story narrated in the first chapter of Genesis which is included both in sacred text of Christianity and Judaism is possibly the best blueprint to illustrate the center concept on marriage for both Christianity and Judaism. The essay is expended from this story as well. The story is described like this :God had a rest on the seventh day after working for six days to create the cosmos. At the climax of creation, God was not satisfied with his creation so he continued to create a man named Adam from clay. Adam was placed in a Garden called Eden as a cultivator and keeper. However not long after that God did not want to Adam lived in the garden alone and he said that It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him. God took out one bone from Adams body and closed up the place with fresh thus he created a woman named Eva. God brought the woman to Adam. Once Adam saw the woman he was very joyful and said that this is bone of my bones and flesh of my fles h. Following that Genesis wrote that That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. However the lovely story did not have a good ending. Not long after that the couple were living in happily in the garden, Eva was tempted by a serpent to eat the fruit of knowledge tree with Adam, which was forbidden by God. Both of them were expelled from the joyful garden by God later. The story here is closely studied as a teaching or an example of marriage both in Christianity and Judaism. Eva was created because God dont want Adam to be alone. The creation of Eva is a kind of a symbol of the creation of marriage in the interpretation of the story. Furthermore in bible marriage is also used to describe the relationship between the God and Israel by Judaism while in Christianity it is symbolize the relationship between Christ and Church. It is therefore that marriage is regarded as a divine institution instead of  a human institution devised in the human history. This essay illustrates the how does this story influence the concept of Christian and Judaism on marriage in several perspectives, like , celibacy, monogamy or polygamy, sex, women role in marriage, divorce and remarriage, Intermarriage. Celibacy Since it is said that God thought that It is not good for the man to be alone, celibacy is not recommended both in the two religions. God would like man and woman live together as a physical and spiritual mate with each other. In Judaism, marriage and raising children are understood as strongly holy obligations. Traditionally, it was impossible for a unmarried male to be in leadership position in the Jewish society. Historically there was only one prophet Jeremiah, who did not marry in Bible, thats because that he lived in prescribed periods of sexual abstinence in relation with rituals, sacrifices and the prosecution of holy wars. However there were rather a few exceptional examples, according to the historian Josephus, some members of the Essence sect, rejected marriage, and the medieval Talmudic scholar Ben Azzai remained celibate. Compared to Judaism, Christianity though highly approve the necessity of marriage, do not give as much weightiness as Judaism do. That is because that Christian believe that people do not marry each other in the coming kingdom. In addition ,the examples of that some Jesus followers who gave up their family in order to proclaim the coming kingdom are used as demonstrations for the validity of celibacy in purpose of completely devotion to preach the coming kingdom. In addition it was believed by Paul that a devoted life of celibacy is helpful for a deeper commitment to spirituality. However, since adultery is strong opposed and marriage is regarded as a effective way to prevent adultery, marriage was still recommended in some degree in the New Testament. The attitude toward Celibacy vary a lot among different church groups. Currently general speaking , Protestant is the church group which most strongly support marriage as a correct and normal way of Christian living while Catholic s till now command clerical celibacy. Monogamy or Polygamy Since God created only one woman for Adam, pointing to monogamy, most of Jewish rabbis claimed that monogamy is ideal for Jews today though polygamy is permitted as well.  It is also because that the relationship between a man and his wife is also used to illustrate the love between God and Israel by Hebrew prophets, for this metaphor, monogamy is ideal. Actually monogamy has became the Jewish married custom since the return from the Babylonian exile. In addition, Monogamy is assumed in the description of restoration of human race in the flood period of time. While monogamy is the dominance, polygamy was also practiced in Jewish community in history like King David who had two wives and Solomon who had 700 wives. However the two examples of polygamy have been normally regarded as negative examples by most of Jews. The polygamy case of Solomon led to his idolatry and finally destruction of the whole Israel. There are still some polygamy examples today, such as Mediterranean Jews li ving in Yemen, rabbis permitting Jews to marry up to four wives. In modern Israel, where a wife cannot bear children or is mentally ill, the rabbis give a husband the right to marry a second woman without divorcing his first wife. Generally speaking, like Judaism, Christianity has the same understanding on the Eden story in terms of monogamy. It is common believe that monogamy is further strengthen in many places in the sacred text of Christianity new testament by Jesus and Paul. Polygamy is regarded as a kind of idolatry in most of churches. To be noticed, the practice of serial monogamy is also rejected as immoral by traditional teaching in Christianity because it contradicts the biblical purpose of marriage which is to develop a lifelong one flesh relationship. While monogamy has been accepted by most of churches groups, there has been a few churches like some groups of Mormon practice polygamy in several periods of time in the history and even today. The reason why Mormon practice polygamy is that they believe Jesus told his followers to multiply and replenish the Earth. Sex in marriage Sex is not described in the story thats because sex desire is regarded as a evil impulse after human was expelled from the Eden garden in Judaism. However it is not said that Jews disregard sexual desire. Sexual desire is believed as a human instinct like hunger and thirst. In Judaism sex is not only for physical pleasure but also has a remarkable holy significance and is practiced as a way to reinforce the loving relationship between a husband and a wife. The requirement of marriage before sex ensures that sense of commitment and responsibility. It is therefore that sex is only permissible inside the context of a marriage. In Jewish marriage, Sex is regarded as a right of a wife not a husband. A husband has a duty to have sex with his wife if she has sexual desire but cannot compel to do so if she doesnt want to. A wife though have a right to have sex, cannot use sex as a weapon to punish her spousal. Compared to Judaism, Christianity views sex not as important as Judaism does. Paul of Tarsus thought sex was totally unnecessary thing and Jesus coming kingdom has no interest in that. Furthermore, sexual desire is regarded as a physical enjoyment as a result of humans fall so it should be restrained in order to achieve Gods desire. Any sexual activities unless in purpose of giving offspring is regarded as a negative thing coming from humans fallen flesh. For some periods in history, Christian couples only have sex for the purpose of giving offspring and the couples lived apart in the other time. However since adultery is strong opposed by Jesus and Paul in the New Testament. In order to prevent having sex with unmarried people, Paul supported sex within marriage as a mean to resist the sexual temptation. Due to the different interpretation of verse, Sex within marriage is practiced quite differently by Christian from different church groups. Generally speaking, Christian Churches ho ld a conservative attitude towards Sex and sex is not discussed publicly in the churches, mostly is personal experience. Women role in marriage In the story, Adam was created from earth and the Eve was created from Adam. In addition, the woman was created to be a helper and companion for the man. This story reflects woman marital status in Jewish marriage. A wife is often regarded not only as a helper who is given to her husband by God to fulfill her husbands wishes but also a soul mate in the spiritual level. It is therefore that a wife is highly valued in marriage in Judaism. A husband was taught by Judaism law to love his wife as much as love himself. A husband is also encouraged to discuss worldly matter which might raise in his life. Traditionally a wife in Jewish family has many rights, for example sex is regarded as a right of woman not man. Jewish woman also can have her own asset in her family. In addition, without consent of his wife, a husband cannot divorce his wife. However there are some obligations of woman are listed in Judaism law. A married woman should be modest and is required not to leave home too freque ntly. The descriptions of the bible suggest that a wife was expected to perform certain household tasks: spinning, sewing, weaving, manufacture of clothing, fetching of water, baking of bread, and animal husbandry. The martial role of women is quite controversial in Christianity. While some believe that women should live under men leadership, others advocate the equality between men and women in marriage. For those holding the first opinion, they claim that woman is created from man and acted as an assistant and governed by man originally in the Eden garden. They think that the leader status of men in marriage is further affirmed by New Testament. Paul said that For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church (Ephesians 5:23). It is therefore that the authority of husband in marriage is unshakable. However egalitarian argue that equity between men and women were mentioned in the New Testament, like there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ (Galatians 3:27). This verse implies that Christian marriage, both husband and wife enjoy equal status and privilege before God because of their position in Christ. Furthermore like Judaism, New Testamen t asked husbands to love their wives as loving themselves in many times, implying the equality between two genders. The first opinion is mostly adopted by traditional man dominant societies like Asia and Africa. The second opinion is widely accepted by western culture societies. Divorce One flesh from the story indicates that God wanted the couples lived with each other permanently. Couples who have been married for many years start to think, act, and feel as one; they become one in mind, heart and spirit. Divorce thus leaves not two persons, but two fractions of one. It is therefore that divorce is a tragedy both for Christianity and Judaism. However Judaism do approve divorce, in some conditions even encourage so. Historically divorce is only the right of men under some circumstances like: if the marriage was childless after ten years; if the husband refused to have sex with his wife; if the husband beat his wife; or if the husband contracted a loathsome disease. The prerogative was changed by rabbinical law round the year 1000 CE that a husband could not divorce his wife without her consent. Nowadays a husband and wife who are seeking divorce should be interviewed in a rabbinical law in order to guarantee that the divorce is an agreement between the two parties. Financial and offspring matters would be discussed in the court as well, normally the vulnerability of woman would be considered. If the divorce is granted, a get (divorce decree) is drawn up in hand-lettered Hebrew. Remarriage is regarded as the same with the first marriage as long as the divorced person obtain a get in Rabbinical Court whe n he got divorce. Traditional Christian views on marriage disapproves divorce. Divorce is even regarded as a kind of adultery. This can be affirmed by Matthew 5:32. Jesus teaches about divorce:But I say that a man who divorces his wife, unless she has been unfaithful, causes her to commit adultery. And anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery. The permanence of marriage is emphasized by Jesus here. However divorce is practiced among Christian nowadays and the attitudes towards divorce vary among different church groups. The Catholic Church prohibits divorce. The Catholic doctrine claimed that a couples even divorce civilly but they are still one in front of God. The Eastern Orthodox Church permits divorce and remarriage in church in certain circumstances, though its rules are generally more restrictive that the civil divorce rules of most countries. Most Protestant churches though do not prohibit divorce through church doctrine, discourage divorce except as a last solution. Interfaith marriage Intermarriage is disfavor by Torah and Jewish rabbis out of fear of idolatry and Jewish assimilation historically. In Bible it records that Jews were forbidden to marry Canaanites in the fear of children might be brought up to follow Canaanites religion. Historically marriage between Jews and non-Jews were extremely rare until recent 19 century under the influence of Jewish enlightenments. Nowadays this issue of intermarriage is quite controversial among Jewish society. While growing number of intermarriage are approved by reformists as long as the intermarried couples are agree to their raise their children as Jews, Orthodox rabbis still believe that intermarriage is kind of rejection of Judaism leading to be cut off from Jewish community. Generally speaking, due to recent reformation and liberty movement, intermarriage is treated much more tolerably than before in Jewish community. There was a survey shows that an intermarriage rate of 52 percent among American Jews. Compared with Judaism, Christianity has much more tolerable attitude towards interfaith marriage. However worry over that religious conflict in intermarriage is still exist in Christianity. Furthermore the sacramental essence of marriage is believed to be retained better by Christian couples in some churches. It is therefore that some churches disapprove intermarriage like Orthodox and Catholics churches. In Protestant churches inter faith marriage is not totally forbidden but Christians are encourage to marry people who has the same faith. As a result, most Protestant denominations will allow interfaith marriage. In conclusion Eden story is seen as a model of marriage, which guides and supports the view of believers from the religions on Marriage. While celibacy is disfavored by Judaism, it is regarded as a gift from God but not strongly recommended in Christianity. Although monogamy has been dominant marriage custom in the two religions, polygamy has been practiced minority even today. Compared to Christianity, Judaism has more opened attitude toward sex within marriage. Women had higher status in Judaism marriage than Christianity marriage historically, but nowadays equality between two parties is accepted commonly. Divorce is seen as a tragedy for the two religions. While divorce and remarry is allowable literally in Judaism, it is forbidden in many Christian churches out fear of adultery. Christianity has more tolerable attitude on interfaith marriage than Judaism. Marriage is very important to both of the religions. Although the two religions share a great portion of similarity, the difference of views on marriage is still significant. To be noticed, different groups holds different views on marriage within the same religion.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Nature of Douglasss Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass Es
The Nature of Douglass's Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass wrote his autobiography the Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass to tell his story and to help the abolitionist's cause. It provides a window into his world, which is that of a former slave and of a prominent speaker. Douglass was born a slave in Maryland in 1818; his exact birthday is unknown. Unlike most slaves he had a mistress, Sophia Auld, who taught him his letters when he was about 10 and that basis of knowledge allowed him to 'steal literacy' over the years. Douglass was hired out to a slave breaker named Edward Covey in order to make him more subservient. In 1834 Frederick Douglass and Edward Covey had a battle which changed the course of Douglass?s life, and shaped him into a man who speaks and acts out against injustice. After Fredrick Douglass stood up to Covey he became free in sprit, if not in body, and vowed to allow no one to control his mind again. He escaped slavery and went to New York in 1839. His career as a speaker started in 1841 and in 1845 he published the Narrative. Although, those are some of the basic facts about his life but they do little to describe the man that he was, and what his first work says about himself and what he believed. The Narrative was written after he had spent a few years as a speaker going around telling his life?s story to abolitionist and therefore was in part rehearsed and also meant to be used as propaganda in the fight for equality. The book also serves as a historical source because it documents his voyage though slavery and the movement to end it. It is important when reading his autobiography to keep both views in mind. Many people have analyzed this complex work, Donald B. Gibson wrote about Douglass?s dual focus in his writing about how he had a public and social focus and a personal focus and private. The public and social focus was to correct the moral and political ills that slavery brought. While the personal and private focused on Douglass?s own thoughts, feelings, reactions, and emotions. The social focus was what presented the first twenty-one years of Douglass?s life in a way that allowed it to serve as a weapon for abolitionism. William Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Phillips recognized the public perspective, both of which wrote prefatory material to the Narrative. I... ...hen reading Frederick Douglass?s Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass it is important to take in to account the time period in which it was written, who the author was and their background, and the purpose that the work was written for. Douglass was a slave and an abolitionist who wrote about his life for two reasons, to give the facts and to convince people that slavery was wrong. The way he wrote both parts are intertwined so that they compliment and support each other it exist as a work of abolitionist propaganda and as an historical source. Bibliography Andrews, William L., To Tell a Free Story: The First Century of Afro-American Autobiography, 1760-1865. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1986. Douglass, Fredrick, Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass: An American Slave, ed. David Blight. New York: St. Martins, 1993. Gibson, Donald B., Reconciling Public and Private in Frederick Douglass? Narrative, Rutgers University. Polsky, Milton. The American Slave Narrative: Dramatic Resource Material for the Classroom. Hunter College of CUNY. Stewart, James Brewer, Holy Warriors The Abolitionists and American Slavery. New York: Hill and Wang, 1976.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Advantage and Disadvantage of Offshore Outsource
Benefit of the Offshore Outsource 1) Improve the customer service Using high-quality specialist external providers can allow companies to capitalize on their strengths and, indirectly, help to improve customers’ experience of using such companies’ products or services. External providers can help a company’s competitiveness by delivering greater flexibility and responsiveness than would be available in-house. 2) Swiftness and Expertise Most of the times tasks are outsourced to vendors who specialize in their field.The outsourced vendors also have specific equipment, technical expertise, better experience and skills. Most of the times better than the ones at the outsourcing company. Effectively the tasks can be completed faster and with better quality output. 3) Concentrating on core process rather than the supporting ones Outsourcing the supporting processes gives the company more time to strengthen their core business process. The company will have more time to put more effort, develop ideas and plan the strategies on the core business activity. ) Risk-sharing Usually the main factors to outsource the company is risk-analysis. Outsourcing certain business activity process helps the company to shift certain responsibilities to the outsourced vendor. Since the outsourced vendor is a specialist, they plan your risk-mitigating factors better and recommend several method to improve the operations. 5) Reduced Operational and Recruitment costs Outsourcing prevent the need to hire individuals in-house; hence recruitment and operational costs can be decreased to a great extent.This is one of the prime advantages of offshore outsourcing to make the company operation cost-effective. The Disadvantages/ Weaknees of Offshore Outsourcing Even though offshore outsourcing gives advantage mainly on cutting the cost site but the other way offshore outsourcing sometimes bring disadvantage to the company. A company must identify what is the risk to offshore ou tsourcing to avoid loss. The disadvantage are : 1) Loss of the managerial control Once a company sign a contract to outsource all or several part of the department, the company are turning the managerial function to other company.The managerial control will belong to the different company and its function will not be driven by the same standards and mission of the main company. The outcource company will only focus on how to gain profit rather than to meets the main objective of the management. 2) Loss of gain knowledge and information When a company outsourcing the business activity, the company will loss the opportunity to get knowledge and information that could benefit other company. Knowledge provide competitive advantage to sustain the strengthness of the company.As a result, when a business activity been given to the other company, the company will have more skills, knowledge regarding to manage the activity. 3) Threat to security and company secret Data and information relat ed to the company will given to the outsource company for the operation matter. The information can be threat to the company because the other company can use the information to compete with our company. Most of the outsource company their goals are only to make more profit rather than to follow the objective oforiginal company.At the end, both of the company compete each other to conquer the market. 4) Quality problem The outsourcing company will be motivated by profit. Since the contract will fix the price, the only way for them to increase profit will be to decrease expenses. As long as they meet the conditions of the contract, you will pay. In addition, you will lose the ability to rapidly respond to changes in the business environment. The contract will be very specific and you will pay extra for changes.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Women in Baseball Essay Example
Women in Baseball Essay Example Women in Baseball Essay Women in Baseball Essay Attendants Women in Baseball Movie Assignment During the sasss in the face of World War II the United States faced a crisis, the majority of every abele body man over the age of 18 either enlisted or was drafted into the military. With all the men leaving for war who was left to play baseball, since baseball had no exemption of the draft deemed by President Roosevelt. These put women in a tough spot, stay at home as women had done for years or leave the house and venture out for Jobs. In my opinion the movie A League of Their Own which depicts the story of the GABLE, All American Girls Professional Baseball League, as they helped keep baseball alive during the war. The movie showed the brutality, bad conditions, and challenges faced by the women of the league; but did it depict the character of the players and managers? The movie A League of Their Own is a historical movie of the GABLE of the sasss and sasss. While the men were off fighting WI in Europe and the Pacific, women were put in a difficult position. Should they stay home and continue being the typical souse wife or go out and seek Jobs, many women went out into the work place and started to work. One Job of in particular changed how women were looked at in this country and also kept the greatest sport out there alive, baseball. Its founder however was not a Mr Harvey founder of Harvey Chocolate bars as the movie says but the founder of Wrigley chewing gum Mr Philip K. Wrigley. This is one difference in the movie that is rather important. Where there are differencing of the movie and history there are facts, one fact was that their salaries really did range from $45-$85. Another similarity was that the girls of the GABLE did indeed have to take classes on how to me a real lady and did wear short skirts, for their time, instead of pants. The one rule which Hollywood did get right was that the GABLE was strictly for white women only, and the scene with the black women picks the ball up and throws it across the entire field showed that skin color doesnt affect ones ability to play ball. This scene in the movie was also the scene for the extra credit point. Jimmy Dugan although depicted in the movie as a former great ball player and a daggering drunk who didnt care for the girls at all. In history he was nothing as Hollywood had hyped him up to be, he only played in one game in 1911 and went 0-4 in this soul appearance. Although Jimmy Dugan wasnt this great former ball player and manager of the Rockford Peaches, he did at least exist unlike the owner of Harvey chocolate bars. The real manager of the Rockford Peaches real first manager was a guy named Eddie Stumps, along with a different manager and different girls names, the Rockford Peaches did not play in the first GABLE World Series. This was played between Racine and Kenosha. Another similar thing that Hollywood got right about the league was that they were chaperoned and were not a loud to smoke, drink, or have interactions of personal time with men during the season. The league was purposed to save baseball and make the Major League team owners money while the men went off to war. The GABLE not only made them richer but kept baseball alive and also integrated women out of the traditional home and Into ten work place. Wholly a AAA a poor Joy AT applicant most AT ten analytical fact of the movie A League of Their Own but did manage to shoe the importance of the GABLE.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Accounting Equation Paper Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers
Accounting Equation Paper Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers Accounting Equation Paper ACC/300 April 13, 2015 Accounting Equation Paper The accounting equation is displayed as, assets = liabilities + stockholders equity. This simple equation, that can actually be rather complex at times, is the basis for what is known as the double-entry accounting system (Investopedia, 2015). The double-entry accounting system is also used to create and maintain an organizations balance sheet. According to Investopedia (2015), The balance sheet is a complex display of this equation, showing that the total assets of a company are equal to the total of liabilities and shareholder equity (Accounting Equation). With this paper, I will examine the components of the accounting equation and balance sheet, and provide examples of this equation. As previously stated the accounting equations is comprised of assets, liabilities, and stockholders equity. Assets are resources that have a value to an organization such as; cash, accounts receivable, inventory, equipment, etc. (Accounting Coach, 2015, What are Assets). Liabilities are financial responsibilities of an organization such as; accounts payable, wages, interest, taxes, etc. (Accounting Coach, 2015, Balance Sheet). Stockholders equity is defined as the owners claim to assets (Kimmel, Weygandt, The double-entry accounting system, according to Investopedia (2015), Is based on the fact that every financial transaction has equal and opposite effects in at least two different accounts (Double Entry). When an organization begins, it starts with the standard accounting equation of assets = liabilities + equity. The initial equation with number listed will be $0 = $0 + $0. When the owners of the organization input their money, let say $1000, the equation will look like this: $1000 = $0 + $1000. Now let say that the organization decided to do $500 worth of advertising, the equation would now change to the following: $1000 = $500 + $500. Finally, let say that the organization makes its first sale worth $300 because of the advertising, the equation would now change to: $1300 = $500 + $800. References Accounting Coach. (2015). Balance Sheet. Retrieved from accountingcoach.com/balance-sheet/explanation/2 Accounting Coach (2015). What are assets?. Retrieved from accountingcoach.com/blog/what-are-assets Investopedia. (2015). Accounting Equation. Retrieved from investopedia.com/terms/a/accounting-equation.asp Investopedia. (2015). Double Entry. Retrieved from investopedia.com/terms/d/double-entry.asp Kimmel, P.D., Weygandt, J.J., & Kieso, D.E. (2011). Financial Accounting Tools for Business Decision Making (6th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Individual Project in Supply Chain Management Assignment
Individual Project in Supply Chain Management - Assignment Example Since, these are ideal scenarios and cannot be totally realized in practice, the company would never be able to eliminate stock-outs completely. However, John and Michael should aim for efficient management of stock-outs to control inventory as well as prevent business loss. References Vasconcellos,Luis.H.R.,Sampaio, Mauro. (2009). The Stockouts Study: an Examination of the Extent and the Causes in the Sao Paulo Supermarket Sector, Brazaillian Administration Review, Curitiba,( vol. 6, n. 3, art. 6, pp. 263-279, July/Sept. 2009) 2. Costs, Demand & Trade- offs associated with Stock-outs The costs associated with stock-outs to Stone Horse Supply Company may be internal such as loss in production, loss in working hours, delays, excess labour cost etc. or external such as lost sales and profit, loss of goodwill and trust etc. While taking a decision regarding stock levels, John and Michael have to primarily consider a trade-off between two costs. One of them is the holding cost of the inv entory while the other is the opportunity cost of the lost sales (Vasconcellos, 2009). A proper balance needs to be maintained between the two for efficient operations. It is not required to completely eliminate the stock-outs. In fact, stock-outs below 5% are healthy and indicate a continuous increase in demand. References Vasconcellos,Luis.H.R.,Sampaio, Mauro. (2009). The Stockouts Study: an Examination of the Extent and the Causes in the Sao Paulo Supermarket Sector, Brazaillian Administration Review, Curitiba,( vol. 6, n. 3, art. 6, pp. 263-279, July/Sept. 2009) 3. Ways to measure Product Availability Product availability can be defined as the capability of a firm to fulfil customer demand with the existing inventory of goods. There are several ways available to the Stone Horse Supply Company
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Logistics Policy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Logistics Policy - Research Paper Example rategic design of structures and policies, as well as decision making dwelling on material and information flows, fashioned at supporting and enhancing competitive advantage (Waters, 2003). Strategic decisions hinge on aspects such as warehouses, distribution centres, as well as transportation modes to be employed. The logistics industry has undergone massive changes in recent decades, especially in areas of integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, packaging, material handling, and security; it is no longer home-based and functions in a global market. The North America Free Trade Agreement involves U.S., Canada, and Mexico, and entails harmonization of the members’ logistics policies and procedures, as well as making logistics systems interoperable. The size of U.S. economy and its geographical location have motivated the United States in taking a factual leadership position in matters regarding facilitation of intermodal logistics and transport within the region, inclusive of cross-border facilitation. The move towards a unified and interconnected modal system has been critical in the growth of logistics systems. Benefits arising from an integrated intermodal system include lower transport costs, lower environmental impact, enhanced national productivity, and efficiency. Intermodal transport and logistics is mainly driven by the industry via its search for the low cost solutions. Other factors playing a part include market deregulation and competition between shippers and carriers, which lead to a reduction in transport-related transaction costs for business (Murphy & Wood, 2010). The global sourcing of parts, goods and services, and raw materials has heightened the importance of logistic networks. Besides, trends towards internationalization and innovation have enhanced the need for organizations to be more alert and receptive to the contextual changes. The evolving trends in the creation of an international logistics hub demands
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Why Abortion is Wrong Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Why Abortion is Wrong - Assignment Example As the paper outlines, abortion is justified on the basis of the opinion that a fetus is not a human being. There is no point thinking that a baby that is in the developing stage of becoming a complete human being is not a human. An embryo is just as human as its parents are. Won’t a proponent of abortion call a baby tomato a tomato because it is not full in size? He/she certainly will call that a tomato. It is nature’s decision that it has caused certain species to develop inside their mothers’ wombs e.g. animals and has allowed other species to develop on their own e.g. fruits and birds. A baby is not a baby only as long as the sperm has not mated with the ovum. It can be so said because individual sperms or eggs cannot develop on their own or multiply in the number of cells and grow unless the two fuse together and the commencement of the development process happens. The embryo should be considered a human because it has its own DNA right from the conception. It does not require any interference or help in order to grow into a human. It lives along with the mother. The mother does not have to exert at all in order to make the embryo grow into a human. Proponents of abortion claim that it is right to kill a fetus because it is not a human. Let’s assume for a moment that the fetus is not a human being only because it is not that developed. According to such an inconsiderate and disrespectful definition of humanity, a boy with a crouch limping across the road is not a human being. Nothing can be a bigger blow to the sanctity of humanity than a belief in such a definition of humanity! Let’s look at the matter from the perspective of the well acknowledged and widely accepted theory of consequentialism. Consequentialism is a term used for all moral theories that judge the appropriateness of a decision from its consequences. According to the theory of consequentialism, if the consequences of a decision are good, the decision is right and vice versa. An act that is morally good will necessarily produce a favorable outcome. To abort a child gives pain to the fetus because a fetus has intelligence and it is alive. It can feel pain. Abortion gives pain to the fetus, which is the first bad outcome of the decision of abortion. Abortion may endanger the life of mother along with the child. Even if the mother’s life is not at stake, there are cases in which a woman loses her ability to bear children in the future after an abortion, which is the second bad outcome. Let’s suppose the child had to be aborted because if it was allowed to survive, it would have been a cause of embarrassment not only for the mother but for the whole family because the people would have come to know of the sinful act of the mother who had performed fornication outside marriage or before marriage. There is no reason to justify abortion in this case either because there are millions of married couples who could not have chil dren and would love to adopt. If an unwanted child gets adopted by voluntary parents, this consequence would be far better than the child getting aborted.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
International and Comparative Human Resource Management Essay Example for Free
International and Comparative Human Resource Management Essay Globalization of business activities has over the recent past happened at rising rates. With the rapid growth of technology, coupled with constant innovations, several corporate organizations have targeted to operate in global scale. With the advent of multinational corporations, the landscape of human resource has undergone a lot of transformations that have given it a new definition. It is important to note that the definition of human resource management has not remained the same given the international dimension added to it (Edwards Rees 2006; Brewster Harris 1999). The degree to which a corporation or company can be considered to be multinational is normally determined by looking at and assessing human resource management policies it has put into place and implementation of the same; these policies are considered alongside other facets of organizational structures and functions. In ethnocentric corporations, human resource policies are formulated at the head quarters, home countries, and then supplied worldwide to other subsidiary corporations. It has been argued that this is not an appropriate strategic policy formulation for a multinational corporate organization with international human resources (Briscoe Schuler 2004). International human Resource Management is concerned more with global management of human capital of a given multinational corporation. The main aim of IHRM is to empower a multinational corporation to achieve success in its global operations; this means the corporation being competitive world all over, being efficient in its international operations, adapting to the global business environment and adapting to the same within the shortest time possible, being locally responsible (in every geographical region of its operations) and being able to transmit learning to all its globally dispersed subsidiaries. The main themes of this paper are about institutional factors that can potentially Influence IHRM practices and policies in developing countries. It also examines the implications of International Human Resource Manager. There are many actors that really influence the process of International Human Resource Management. However, for the purposes of this paper, the main focus will be on three institutional factors. Institutional factors that can Influence IHRM practices and policies in developing countries Institutional strategies and policies Different multinational corporations have different human resource management approaches. Several studies have found out that there is substantial national variance in terms of human resource management (Cooke 2002). This has mostly been witnessed where the parent country’s strategies seem to dominate how a multinational corporation manages its human capital. This is referred to as ethnocentric or forward diffusion strategies (Keeley 2001). This ethnocentric approach has been a big hindrance to the diffusion of parent practices into other subsidiaries. More research studies that have been done have also drawn focus to the influence which the parent country has on how strategic decisions regarding human resource management is done by a company in the host country. Most developing countries pursue different trade policies and strategies; they are these strategies and policies that inform how the multinational corporations operate and interact with other corporations from other developing and developed nations as explained by Kidd et al (2001, pp. 154-163). The fact is that these developing nations have different cultures from the host nations. Due to these differences, it has become an uphill task to transfer human resources management strategies amongst the developing nations. Moreover, different nations come up with changing legislations regarding labor management. These legislations are on policies that may concern minimum wages payable to an employee, the number of expatriates allowed in a foreign owned corporation and also the work status of such expatriates. Developing economies have different economic systems governed by different economic policies and strategies (World Book Encyclopedia 1994). Some economies are centralized while others are liberalized. In the centralized economies, it becomes a bit more difficult for foreign-owned corporations to get foreign expatriates and according to Dutkiewicz and Espino (1997, p. 22), a corporation may be forced to hire purely locally; the issue here is that centralized economies are under direct governments’ control. With respect to this, different governments come up with certain restriction or legislations that may be different from the home country of a parent corporation. Different countries also have varied legislations regarding human capital and multinational corporations are expected to comply with the legislations of the host countries. One area in which legislations differ is in terms of income. Income taxes may vary and have different ranges. This is always likely to have negative impact on the attitude of employees who are transported or exported to countries where income taxes are high. Besides, due to currency fluctuation in the global financial market, managing the salaries for the expatriates becomes a big challenge to International Human Resource Management process. Political factors Politics is one of the major factors that directly impact on IHRM. The political activities in the developing economies have significant influences in the IHRM. Elaboration of this point is evidenced by the fact that different developing nations have varied political environments. The political environments of developing nations are more dynamic in comparison to the political environment of Western developed and other developed nations. Due to this, International Human Resource Management process faces more challenges in the developing economies than developed countries. The causes of these challenges emanate from the fact that the political landscape is characterized by varied opinions by different rival politicians giving promises to the people during electioneering periods; this has made the political environment of the nations to be unstable and hence unpredictable in terms of efficient and effective IHRM policies implementation (Sparrow 2009). Political factors are intertwined with economic factors; this is in the sense politics determines economic activities in the countries. The role of politics in this sense is strong in the developing countries where poverty indices are still low. Political instability and or elements of social conflicts may scare away foreign direct investments; and most importantly, foreign workers may fear working in such economies. The effect of this scenario is ineffective transfer of human capital to certain regions. However, political stability and relative peace in these economies are likely to benefit multinational corporations as far as IHRM is concerned (Sparrow 2009). Within the political environment, there are several pressure groups and institutions that represent different interests of particular individuals. Labour unions are some of the mostly prominent pressure groups shaping the political landscapes. The availability and the latent influence exacted by the labour unions are some of the dominant factors considered when multinational corporations are deciding on countries to expand their operations to. The multinational corporations consider critically the potential cost and other limiting factors associated with the influence of labour unions. The structures of labour unions, their priorities and legislations and practices vary greatly amongst the developing nations. Some of the unions are organized based on the basis of shared industries while others are organized according to occupation of the members. There are nations where labor unions play a major role in labor relations and, low, are allowed to have representations in the boards of multinational corporations. Otherwise, there are also developing nations where independent labour unions are suppressed. Moreover, in some countries labour unions are only mainly concerned with safeguarding personal interests of workers; such interests are commensurate wages and better working conditions. In other nations, labour unions are actively involved in political process and activism. The presence of labour unions may be both beneficial and disadvantageous to multinational corporations. However, it is the prerogative of individual Multinational Corporation to decide whether it is to venture and carry out its expanded operations in a country of choice. However, it is important to mention that there are varied implications of the dynamic labor unions to the International Human Resource Management, especially in developing nations where labour unions are fully involved in mainstream politics and activism. These unions are not just a collection of workers, but also of individuals with political motivation. The consequence of this is that political issues may get into the core business of a multinational corporation thereby jeopardizing its business objectives. Therefore, International Human Resource Managers have to deal with more diversified labour issues than the national human resource managers. Organizational culture Organizational culture is one of the institutional factors that affect the IHRM. An organization’s culture is a popular concept in the theory of organizational management. It is used to refer to the underlying fundamental assumptions, shared norms and values that determines and informs the behavior of individuals attached to the organization; it serves as a behavioral control and provides a framework within which employees are to carry out organizational duties. Research has shown that there is evidence of potential ability of organizational culture in informing the values of the employees (Perkins 2000). Nonetheless, further studies have shown that an organizational culture may instill values and norms that are not consistent with those of national culture to its employees. Consequently, the both national and organizational cultures are likely to conflict at international level. Focusing on organizational culture, it is crucial to note that when a corporation goes multinational, it is likely to face challenges in situations it establishes subsidiaries in countries where its culture is potentially in conflict with the national culture of the host country. It therefore implies that an internationalizing corporation requires carrying out of thorough audit of the new regions of operations and reforming its organizational culture to conform to the national culture of the host state. This may include changing its human resource policies and harmonizing them with those of the host state (Perkins 2000). Every organization has its own culture, which it uses to remain distinct within the global sphere (Joynt Warner 1996). However, this may not stand due to varied national cultural practices of different nations. As has been discussed earlier, the organization will be forced to adapt to cultural practices of the host countries; this may mean employees working in each subsidiary have differing norms and values. This situation is extensively discussed and explained by Heath (2005, p. 233). The organizations may find it appropriate to adapt to the cultures in the host countries. The implication of this is that the organization is most likely to lose its organizational cultural identity; but still the organization has to operate as a unit on the world business platform. Taking for instance, operating in a purely Muslim country will need restructuring how human capital is managed in the organization. The relationship between men and women in Muslim countries are not as liberal as other non-Muslim nations. Therefore, the organization is faced with lots of cultural dilemmas in terms of IHRM. Joint ventures and acquisitions are some of the ways through which multinational corporations expand their operations. Given the varied organizational cultures of the developing countries, integrating human capital to work as a unit is likely to be faced with some challenges on the basis of cultural conflict. This situation may be more evident where two multinational corporations come together just to form a joint venture. However, the organizational culture of the acquiring corporation may dominate the whole negotiation. But it is also important to note that, with this respect, organizational culture may not be a problem where a multinational corporation expands its operations to regions where its culture is identical or closely related to the host’s national culture and organization (Perkins 2000). Due to different and varied national and organizational cultures, a multinational corporation may consider localizing recruitment of its human capital. The advantage of this is that there is no need to grapple with cultural issues since human resources are tapped locally; the employees are already familiar with their own national culture and are able to form a uniform organizational culture (this is where the organization has decided it will allow its organizational culture to vary regionally or geographically). This is exemplified where multinational corporations expand within the developing Muslim states. Adoption of new technology and effecting new changes form an important part of an organizational culture. Employees and other stakeholders have different opinions regarding new changes; due to this, it is important that they are well prepared for such changes. Otherwise, any form of change may not get their support, especially when change involves the corporate organization going global with its business operations. An organization may be forced to ensure that its potential expatriates are well informed on the imminent changes and how they are likely to be affected.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Developing Energy Efficient Building Design
Developing Energy Efficient Building Design Introduction Aims and Objectives The following five points are the key aims and objectives of the proposed building design: To provide the client with an energy efficient building design. To utilise renewable energy systems to reduce the buildings carbon footprint. To use materials in the construction of the building fabric that minimise heat losses/gains so as to reduce the loads on the services systems, and therefore the energy consumption. To provide a flexible, let able HVAC system solution for the landlord/tenant. To provide a design solution in accordance with current Building Regulations. Building summary Heron Tower is an office block located in Central London near to Liverpool Street train station. The site is situated on a traffic island bordered by Camomile Street, Outwich Street and Bishopsgate. The building has a footprint of approximately 1610m2. Site Location Heron Tower is a lightweight steel frame construction, with a concrete structural slab. The external faà §ade of the building is predominantly glazed. The building consists of a basement level, Ground Floor and 2 Floors above ground. The basement will predominantly be used for plant and storage. The ground floor comprises an entrance lobby / reception area, retail area and a loading bay. Each of the floors above ground will be broken down into two distinct areas, the office area and the core area. The building has a flat roof that is available for use for plant and equipment. The office area is to be let to tenants and will be open plan, with a floor area of approximately 1270m2. The core area will be under the control of the building landlord and will house the lifts, stairs, toilets, service risers and will have an allowance for space for tenants plant. The core area has a floor area of approximately 340m2. The total floor area is therefore approximately 6440m2, of which 3900m2 is designated landlords space (i.e. plant, storage, services, retail etc.), and 2540m2 to be let. Occupancy Design Criteria Alert the reading where youre getting the information to design each room of the building, what standards you are trying to meet / exceed. From experience, this is best presented as a cut down of an Excel in the appendix in the form of a table. This sheet should have criteria for every room. Cut it down to every type of room, so it fits on one page, usually rotated, tricky. Environmental data from CIBSE Guide A [2] Lighting data from CIBSE LG7 -Lighting for Offices [3] Ventilation Cooling Heating Domestic Cold Water The domestic cold water service will be provided via a cold water booster set, taking water from a mains fed storage tank. This service will provide water for drinking, toilets, cleaning, mechanical pressurisation units, and will also feed the domestic hot water system via an unvented storage calorifier. The cold water service will be sized as follows: Occupancy: Cold water demand: Hot water demand: Domestic Hot Water The domestic hot water service will be provided via a two-pipe system fed from a central unvented storage calorifier, with a system pump to circulate the water to maintain the temperature. It is proposed that the primary method of heating the water is produced using an indirect solar hot water heating system. The system will comprise a solar array on the roof of the building that will heat the domestic hot water via a coil in the storage calorifier. The system water will be circulated through the solar panels and coil using a pump. The calorifier provided will have dual coils to allow the solar heating system to be supplemented by the main building heating system. This secondary coil will be used to heat the water if the solar system fails to meet hot water demand. Both coils will be controlled using automatic 3-port control valves For more detailed information about the solar hot water heating system see section 6.1. Acoustics Lighting Electrical Services Supplemented by wind turbines on roof Distribution of Services Landlord Areas Mechanical Electrical Tenants / Public Areas Mechanical LTHW and CHW pipework to air conditioning units will be housed in the ceiling void. Electrical Distribution of small power to the office area will be via floor boxes fed from a raised floor. Power for air conditioning units and lighting will be distributed via the ceiling void. Energy Metering Metering will be provided on both incoming service mains to the site and on sub-circuits within the building for monitoring by the building energy manager. Metering provisions will enable the energy manager to attribute at least 90% of the energy usage to specific systems, e.g. lighting, heating etc. in accordance with The Building Regulations Part L2A [4] . The meters provided shall be BMS compatible to allow for automatic data collection. The metering strategy for the building is as follows: Mains Metering Electricity Electricity will be metered on the incoming mains to monitor the buildings overall electrical energy usage and for billing purposes (in accordance with ) Water Water will be metered on the incoming mains to monitor the overall water usage and for billing purposes (in accordance with water bylaws). Gas Gas will be metered on the incoming mains to monitor the overall gas usage and for billing purposes (in accordance with ) Sub-Metering Sub-metering will be provided to monitor energy usage on sub-systems so that the overall energy usage of the building can be broken down into the various systems and analysed by the building energy manager. Sub-metering will also be used to differentiate between energy usage by the landlord and tenants for billing purposes. The sub-metering strategy has been devised in accordance with CIBSE TM39 [5] . The sub-metering strategy for the building is as follows: Electricity The landlords and tenants supplies will be fed from separate distribution boards to allow differentiation between energy usages. The feeds to these distribution boards will be metered at the L.V switchgear. Metering will also be provided at the local distribution boards to monitor energy usage across the main categories of electricity usage. The categories that will be monitored are: Lighting Office small power (including computer equipment etc.) Ventilation plant Heating plant Cooling plant Air conditioning units Heating/Air Conditioning Heating and air conditioning in the landlord and tenant areas will be fed by separate sub-circuits. The energy used by each of these circuits will be monitored by using in line pipe heat meters located in the service risers. Water Domestic hot and cold water usage at the toilets on levels 1 2, and in the staff areas in the basement will be monitored using water meters located in the service risers. Gas Gas is only used for the gas fired boiler plant. As the gas is metered at the incoming main no sub-metering is required. Solar Domestic Hot Water System The output of the solar hot water generation system will be measured by installing a heat meter inline to the feed from the solar array to the storage calorifier. This heat meter will measure the flow rate of the water as well as its temperature in order to gauge system output. A meter will also be installed in the sub-circuit feed from the LTHW system to ascertain how much LTHW has to be used when the solar hot water generation system fails to satisfy demand. Wind Power System Energy produced by the wind turbines located on the roof of the building will be metered to provide the building energy manager with data on the actual output of the wind turbines. This will be metered on the common feed from the turbines to the storage battery. The consultation on changes to the technical guidance for Part L issued in June 2009 proposes: The output of any renewable energy system provided as part of the works must be separately monitored. Safety Benchmarking This section is to give the reader an idea of the minimum standard to be achieved by your proposed design. Usually BSRIA Rule of Thumb gives you a starting point in W/m2. There is usually guidance in the form of Best Practice for a particular type of building: school, hospital, office, leisure centre etc. CIBSE guide A Table 6.2 Benchmark allowances for internal heat gains in typical buildings BSRIA Rules of thumb 4th ed Heat Calculations You will need to calculate the current baseline design using typical construction materials. This could be done using Hevacomp [6] , IES [7] or Excel. Then you could consider orientation, shading and construction materials to recalculate heat loss /gains. Typically, improved U values for windows are considered, but then you must justify the decision based on costs / environmental pollution etc. Could include the unoptimised design, if the building is a refurbishment. You should include any restrictions, listed building, planning constraints etc. Heat losses You should make the calculations, say in Hevacomp, but only include a summary in the text. This includes the U values for the building elements: wall, floor, roof, door, windows, these could be calculated from scratch, taken from the CIBSE guide, Hevacomp database or manufacturers data. Literature Review (In-depth investigation) The literature review should consider one or two particular areas. You should use a selection matrix to highlight two or three potential solutions depending on your criteria (your client usually wants the cheapest construction- low capital cost) usually you want either low C02, low energy bills, low maintenance, highest safety etc. You must be able to defend your selection. Now investigate the options based on the selection matrix, you dont need to supply manufacture information, but you may need to hassle manufacturers for cost information, or size information (e.g bore hole depths for ground source heat pumps, GSHP) Heating supply for example You could select gas or electric or CHP or GSHP or ASHP or oil, liquefied gas etc. Select two or three and investigate options in-depth Heating systems You could decide between radiators, under-floor heating, electric storage heaters etc. Ventilation Requirements Ventilation is a means of changing the air within a space in order to: Provide fresh air for respiration Preserve oxygen levels in the air in enclosed spaces Control carbon dioxide Control moisture/humidity Remove heat from processes carried out within a space Remove atmospheric contaminants such as odours, smoke and dust Maintain comfort conditions Provide oxygen for combustion Types of Ventilation Ventilation may take many forms and the method of ventilating buildings will vary from project to project. Whatever the specific design for ventilating a building may be, it can always be divided into three categories- natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation and air conditioning. Designers may decide to focus the design of the buildings ventilation system solely on one of these three methods, or to use a combination of the three. Natural Ventilation Natural ventilation is the most economic method of ventilating a building as it uses components of the buildings structure, such as windows, louvres, trickle vents and air bricks to provide the buildings ventilation, therefore requiring little or no energy to operate (although it can contribute to the buildings energy losses). When deciding to use natural ventilation in a building design the following factors should be taken into consideration: Location: is the building situated in an area where having windows open for the purpose of ventilation is going to allow high noise levels or smells into the building? Size: how big is the building? If the building is large are there internal rooms that are not close to external walls/windows and could therefore be insufficiently ventilated naturally? Temperature maintenance: what measures will be used to maintain a comfortable internal temperature if the external temperatures are fluctuating? Energy consumption: although utilising natural ventilation will reduce energy consumption by not requiring any mechanical plant to operate, constantly having windows open will lead to larger heat losses than would be expected from an identical sealed building. This will increase the energy use of any heating systems in place. Seasonal weather: will natural ventilation provide enough cooling on hot summers days to maintain comfortable conditions? Will it still be practical to have windows open on particularly cold days? If natural ventilation is used as a buildings sole means of ventilation then it can be very difficult to maintain comfortable conditions all year round, as you are depending on an unknown and uncontrollable factor i.e. the weather. The only control that is really available is to open or close windows or other building components. Mechanical Ventilation Mechanical ventilation systems are installed where natural ventilation is impractical or there is a necessity to achieve a specific number of air changes per hour in order to comply with legislation and regulations. Mechanical ventilation systems can take three forms: Mechanical intake with natural extract Mechanical extract with natural intake Mechanical intake and extract Whilst both the capital and running costs of a mechanical system are higher than that of a natural system, mechanical systems will provide a reliable and controllable air change rate that is required in some circumstances, and is simply not achievable via natural ventilation. When deciding to use mechanical ventilation in a building design the following factors should be taken into consideration: Size: is the building big enough to warrant the installation of a mechanical ventilation system? Location/use of rooms: does the building have internal rooms that have no other means of smell/heat extraction such as toilets or kitchens, therefore requiring a mechanical ventilation system? Cost: does the buildings need for ventilation warrant the cost of installing, running and maintaining a mechanical ventilation system? Maintenance: is maintenance of the system going to be easy and affordable? Space: is there going to be enough space in the building for the plant/distribution systems required for a mechanical ventilation system? A mechanical ventilation system provides the occupants of the building with a higher level of control over comfort conditions than would be provided when relying solely on natural ventilation. It would not however provide the level of controllability that can be achieved by an air conditioning system. Air Conditioning Air conditioning is the process of controlling condition of the air supplied to a space by subjecting the air to a number of processes including heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification. Air conditioning is used where close control of comfort conditions is required, or where acceptable internal conditions cannot be achieved using either natural or mechanical ventilation. When deciding to use an air conditioning system in a building design the following factors should be taken into consideration: Size: is the building big enough to warrant the installation of an air conditioning system? Location/use of rooms: does the building have internal rooms that have no other means of smell/heat extraction such as toilets or kitchens, therefore requiring the installation of a mechanical ventilation system as well as the air conditioning system? Cost: is the need to maintain comfort conditions and temperatures great enough to warrant the cost of installing, running and maintaining an air-conditioning system? Maintenance: is maintenance of the system going to be easy and affordable? Space: is there going to be enough space in the building for the plant/distribution systems required for an air conditioning system? Efficiency: is the plant that is going to be installed going to be energy efficient? An air conditioning system gives by far the greatest level of control over comfort conditions. Temperatures can be controlled locally and accurately, meaning that people in different areas of the building can decide on the conditions that they feel most comfortable. The installation of an air conditioning system can also remove the requirement for a separate heating system, if a multi-functional fan coil unit system, or equivalent, were to be installed, therefore allowing conditions to be maintained comfortably all year round. Renewables Now the Mayor of London has put his backing into renewables, it must be included as a potential measure. Typically students investigate hydrogen, solar heated water, PV, tidal, wind or biomass. You need to decide which one is appropriate then make some calculations. Please learn to use equation editor (its under Insert -> Object). Unfortunately, its not installed by default by Word, but you can add it in by a add/remove option in Office Setup. From your decisions you should be able to calculate the CO2 and energy savings, based this upon a standard condensing boiler and the current price of gas and electricity. Include grants / tax breaks into the calculation. Finally, financials including simple pay back period should be included, but you should rerun the calculation based on future energy prices as well.
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